Love of the Journey

Inhale. Step, step. Exhale.

Those two moments between the inhale and the exhale are like magic. I am breathing deeply the winter air but I am also inhaling the moment. And then letting go.

Inhaling the moment. Step, step. And letting go.

Sometimes walking the dogs is a chore that I have to “do”. Other times, it’s a race against my pedometer to track my fitness progress.

But the moments that I am thankful for the most are when I let Moxie and Pippen take the lead, and instead of focusing on the goal, I focus on the journey. Feeling the warm sun caress my breeze-licked face. Listening to the silence of my quiet neighborhood. Watching the remaining crisp leaves dance against the azure sky.

And feeling the tension and stress fall out of me, off of me, replaced with gratitude for my health, my life, my loves, this day.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may they be filled with Love of the Journey.


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